Stop the "Canned Hunting" of South Africa's Lions

  • av: Andrea Smith
  • mottagare: South African Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries

Canned hunting is a cruel and inhumane practice in which lions are raised in captivity to trust humans, and then gunned down by hunters in a enclosed space with no chance of escape. The hunters pay the keepers of these lion facilities to get to go in and chase lions down and shoot them. Often the hunters involved are poor shots, and lions can go on struggling and bleeding out for hours before they are finally chased to the point of exhaustion and then finally given the killing blow. Lions are also sometimes baited with food, and then when they go out to eat they are shot repeatedly.

Help me in ending this cruel and savage "sport" by addressing the head of South African Department of Foresty and Natural Resources Management, Dr M.E. Tau, and expressing our concern for the safety of South African Lions.

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